October 31, 2007

Problem printing rich text fields

If you have a rich text field that contains a fair amount of information it will print nicely, but when it exceeds a certain amount of information each text paragraph will be printed on a separate page which causes a printout that normally would be of two pages to turn up on 40-50 pages. Really annoying and a waste of trees!

The solution to this problem is to enclose the rich text field in a table which compresses the content in the rich text field and prints nicely.

While testing, look at the print preview which shows the same result as the actual printing.

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October 23, 2007

Prevent pasting documents into a view

Short tip today!
If you want to prevent documents from being pasted into a view, click on section 'Querypaste' for the view and type Continue=False in the sub routine.

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October 18, 2007

Print selected documents and attachments from a view

I have been trying to figure out how to print a document and its attachments when marking it in a view. A colleague had an agent which did the works as long as the attachments only are word documents. But if you don't know if it is a word, pdf, rtf, jpg or any other attachment the code gets long, uggly and still you proabably haven't covered all possible cases. I have however found a solution thanx to Charles Robinson who shows how to shell a windows application to open the attachments.

I have used my existing code with this one and the result is an agent that can run on selected documents in a view, print the documents and each document's attachments. It is run through a view action.

The code is not ultimate at all and there are still some minor problems left like when no application gets associated with the attached file nothing is printed out and that acrobat reader doesn't close when done. Probably fixable, but I am satisfied for now.

As you can see below I have used a sleep command. This might have to be adjusted depending on many different things, but it is needed or else the documents and attachments competes who gets to the printer first and everything is unsorted.

Here's the code. Hope someone can enjoy it!

In Options add Uselsx "*lsxlc"

In Declarations add Charles Robinsons code:


cbSize As Long
fMask As Long
hwnd As Long
lpVerb As String
lpFile As String
lpParameters As String
lpDirectory As String
nShow As Long
hInstApp As Long
lpIDList As Long
lpClass As String
hkeyClass As Long
dwHotKey As Long
hIcon As Long
hProcess As Long
End Type

Declare Function ShellExecuteEx Lib "shell32.dll"_
Alias "ShellExecuteEx" (SEI As SHELLEXECUTEINFO) As Long

Declare Function TerminateProcess Lib "kernel32"_
Alias "TerminateProcess" (Byval hProcess As Long, Byval uExitCode As Long) As Long

In Initialize add the following code:

On Error Goto ErrorHandler


SEI.cbSize = Len(SEI)
SEI.lpVerb = "print"
SEI.nShow = 1
SEI.hInstApp = 0
SEI.lpIDList = 0

Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim session As New LCSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim object As NotesEmbeddedObject
Dim dc As NotesDocumentCollection

Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim downloadfolder As String

Dim extrachar As String
Dim filecounter As Integer
Dim filecount As Integer
Dim filen As Variant
Dim antalfiler As Variant

Dim i As Integer, x As Integer, y As Integer

Dim sFile As String

Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim success As Variant

' Create a folder for temporary storage of files
downloadfolder = Environ("tmp")

Set db = s.CurrentDatabase

Set dc = db.UnprocessedDocuments

For i = 1 To dc.Count
Set doc = dc.GetNthDocument( i )

' Print document
Set uidoc = ws.EditDocument( False , doc , True , )
Call uidoc.Print(1)

' Get all attachments and print them
antalfiler=Evaluate("@Attachments", doc)

Call uidoc.Close
Delete uidoc

If antalfiler(0)>0 Then
For filecounter=0 To antalfiler(0)-1
Set Object = doc.GetAttachment( filen(filecounter) )
If ( object.Type = EMBED_ATTACHMENT ) Then
fileCount = fileCount + 1
If Dir(downloadfolder+"\"+ filen(filecounter))="" Then
' Extra character in case there are attachments with the same name
End If
Call object.ExtractFile (downloadfolder+"\"+extrachar+ filen(filecounter) )
End If
Next filecounter
End If

For y = 0 To filecounter-1
sFile = downloadfolder+"\"+extrachar+ filen(y)
SEI.lpFile = sFile
Call ShellExecuteEx(SEI)
Call session.Sleep(2000)

' Delete all files
Call session.Sleep(5000)
For y = 0 To filecounter-1
sFile = downloadfolder+"\"+extrachar+ filen(y)
Kill sFile

'Call TerminateProcess(SEI.hProcess, 0)


Exit Sub

msgbox Error$ & " on line " & Cstr(Erl) & " in " & Lsi_info(12)
Exit Sub

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October 13, 2007

Java references

I decided to create a Java references page as well (see Lotus N/D references for Lotus Notes/Domino and Sametime references) for my own use and possibly for someone else as well. Feel free to leave comments if you have suggestions to other reference pages and I will update this page.
Below is some of what I have come across so far.


Java conventions:
Tools/plug-ins for Java conventions:
Certification preparation:
Java and Lotus Notes/Domino:
Java exceptions:

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October 12, 2007

Conventions for Java code

I like the structure with Java. Although you can create structure with any language it somehow feels as it comes with Java, so it feels easier to accomplish and is kind of satisfying (in a really geeky way). So included in my personal project to be a kick-ass java developer (;-) I am also aiming towards writing nice, readable code that is based on predefined code conventions and guidelines both for the programming part but also for commenting.

You might have heard that really good written code doesn't need commenting. Maybe that's a bit exaggerated but in some sense true. If all variables, methods, classes and so on are named after specific conventions they will be more readable to you and other programmers that might inherit your code some day.

Take a look at the conventions for coding and commenting here:

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October 11, 2007

XHTML Character Entity Reference

For all of the web developers out there. Here's an Ajax-based structured reference tool for XHTML Character entities. It lists the allowed entities in HTML 4 and XHTML 1.0 as outlined by W3C.

Seems like it could be of good use at occasions!

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October 03, 2007

Get started with Dojo

Did you know that you could do this on any web page and fairly quickly? All you need to do is to access some javascript source files and add your own pictures. I might add the fisheye example to this blog later when I have more time.

With Dojo someone else has done the work for you to use for free and it works in any browser (or at least the most common ones).

I am currently looking into dojo and playing with it and I really like the way it's heading. An API (0.4.2) already exists much like Java's although they can't really be compared since the documentation certainly could be better with examples and references and it takes quite a lot of time to understand what to do with the objects if you're new to the toolkit. A really good thing is that you, as in Java, can choose what to include in your webpage. That is you don't have to import the entire library but only for example the widget functionality (dojo.widget.*).

Follow the link to dojo below to get started with several good tutorials and examples. But just to mention it, all you need to do is to download a zip-file and extract it to your file system. Then create a html-file, include dojo javascript source files and you're up and running.

Further on, and this is really interesting, there is a rumour that says that Dojo will be installed by default on the next version of Domino. Now if that's going to happen or not, I don't know, but it certainly gives me another reason to start looking at this.

If anyone knows any other good references or examples that you recommend please leave a comment.

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