January 22, 2008

The Notes.ini ego parameter

Add this line to your private notes.ini file:

Window_Title=Lotus Notes 7.0.2 mastered by Niklas Waller

and restart Lotus Notes. And don't remember to change the text, even if its ok for me to use it ;-)

Each new window in Notes will have the following title

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Anonymous said...

Haha! Good way to impress your colleagues by entering:
Window_Title=Lotus Notes 9.0 Internal IBM Beta

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a MUST have system-wide policy setting. Sounds like I need to go and customize my desktop policy....


Niklas Waller said...

@johan Good idea! Why didn't I think of it?

@craig You mean change the desktop policy for the entire organization with the text "Craig is my idol and notes master"

Anonymous said...

@ Niklas... I don't plan on limiting my self to 'notes master'...


Bernd Webster said...

I blogged last 1st april about it:


very useful if you deal with the some consults :-D

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