November 17, 2006

Introducing the new composite applications blog

Mary Beth Raven introduces on her blog the new Composite Applications Blog. It is the WPLC Composite Application Team that has decided to start this blog. The team explains the purpose of the blog like this:

It brings together all the key technical architects and user experience design professionals for the major products from the IBM WPLC division (fka Lotus) that provide support for user facing composite applications. These products include IBM Websphere Portal 6.0, IBM Lotus Notes 8.0, IBM Lotus Domino 8.0, IBM Lotus Expeditor 6.1 and future products to be named when they are announced.

I have for some time now been reading information about Hannover thanks to Mary Beth Raven and Jeff Eisen and I think this is a great initiative.

For anyone not knowing what Lotus Expeditor is, here is some information. Jeff has been mentioning it on his blog as well.

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