April 17, 2007

My first Sametime 7.5 plugin

This is funny and opens up a lot of opportunities.

All you need is Eclipse, a web server and a Sametime 7.5 connect client. I used Apache Tomcat 6.0.

I read and followed the steps in this article from developerWorks and it was quite easy to create and deploy.
The plug-in is the picture of myself in the image below. When the mouse hovers the picture the text 'A nice little Sametime plug-in' pops up. There is also a Click-handler connected to the picture which opens an alert window with some text.

I found two issues that didn't match the article from reality though:

  • When you want to update the plugin (change text, image or something else) you need to (among other steps) synchronize versions of contained plug-ins and fragments with their version in the workspace. The article says "Click the Versions button" in feature.xml in the overview tab. This button doesn't exist in my Eclipse. Instead click the link "Synchronize".
  • Another thing that didn't work was when I was going to do "Build All" to build the updated plug-in in "site.xml". This raised an error message "Unable to find plugin: com.ibm.example-iu_". To solve this open the site.xml tab to look at the xml code. Change the version to the new correct version since this has not been updated as it should. It's in two places in the following row.
    <feature url="features/com.ibm.example.feature.iu_1.3.0.jar" id="com.ibm.example.feature.iu" version="1.3.0">. Now Build All and everything will work.

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