December 06, 2006

IBM Lotus Expeditor

Now, what is this new stuff? Probably something that you really need know and dive into. What's the connection to Lotus Notes, Domino, WebSphere, Workplace, Sametime and so on?
Well, at least for me the questions are many. Although I have been reading quite a lot I still don't get it all. And what can you do except keep reading and testing, after all that's one of the fun parts ;-)

Here is a short explanation from the article 'Developing an OSGi service as a Web Service in IBM Lotus Expeditor', there is a link to it below.

IBM Lotus Expeditor (formerly IBM WebSphere Everyplace Deployment) is a client middleware framework and tooling platform that enables connection, independent delivery, and management of applications and services.

From what I have understand for example 'Hannover' will consume services from the Expeditor platform. Here are a few good links for more information. A good guess is that more information is coming up on Lotusphere this year.

Three really good blogs that will in some or many ways discuss the Lotus Expeditor:

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